I feel like I messed up becoming an adult, that is if even you can even call me one know. Is there a list of criteria you must fulfill? If so, I think I am lacking in a couple. I feel like my posts as of lately, and if not forever (up to this date in time), have been quite - whiny? I feel irresponsible about all my responsibilities, as well. I am late on everything, and to some point drastically behind in some (i.e. bills, knowledge, life...) to where I feel I cannot catch up.
I was thinking about when I was a kid -- teenager to be exact -- and while high school was [Hell] I liked that time. I explored many parts of my life and contributed to a ton of things. I am nowhere lazier now than when I was a teenager; however, my point is that I feel some of this adult stuff is for the birds. (<--- adult idiomatic expression)
I wish I went about things differently. I wish I was more strategic about many aspects of my life, rather than being so blatantly blissful to my surroundings. I never should have been involved with solicited credit that young, I should have had a better savings account, I should have kept some previous jobs, I should not have thought I could coast. Now, since I went against everything I should have done I am struggling now. I can divert my attention away from the obvious for some time, but then there are times like these where I reach a point where I cannot understand how I going to make it.
I am trying my best (or am I?) and I still feel like I am drowning.
Stupid decisions stop ...now!
I was thinking about when I was a kid -- teenager to be exact -- and while high school was [Hell] I liked that time. I explored many parts of my life and contributed to a ton of things. I am nowhere lazier now than when I was a teenager; however, my point is that I feel some of this adult stuff is for the birds. (<--- adult idiomatic expression)
I am trying my best (or am I?) and I still feel like I am drowning.
Stupid decisions stop ...now!