Monday, September 5, 2011

We got nothin' left to lose...

I am 23 years and I technically have my own house; yet, I don't do anything with it. I mean you 'd think I'd be throwing huge parties and going nuts I mean I am 23! Well, that shows my age (mentally) I find myself doing much of nothing other than working on projects around the house and every now and then I will have a bonfire/get-together. I lost my luster. My angst. I don't mind, at all. I am glad.

I remember when I was younger I believed in this world that was far different from where I ended up, but thinkin' back maybe it, it definitely was - what brought me to this place I am now. I mean, think about it; without being where I was how would I ever have made it to where I am now? I am still the same person (?) to an extent. I guess ...different ideals? Yes, different, for sure.

I still enjoy a lot of the same things but my priorities have definitely changed. I am no longer living for myself: I have people in my life now and people I know that will be here for a long time that I need to take care of. Ah, responsibility - welcome! I am still glad that a lot of what I enjoyed I never gave up on though and changed completely, more like I added and adjusted. Yeah, I like that, too!

I love understanding love - makes it easier to see the things I love.