Monday, March 5, 2012

I want to feel again...

Slow, steady breathes.

I pride myself on who I am -- in all honesty I am unhappy, at times. You know the saying "one step forward, two steps back?" Well, that is me. I want to improve on things, but I procrastinate so much more than I ever have. When did I become lazy? I bet I have written a blog like this thousands of times, yet, I do nothing -- or I do and do not keep with it.


I need to start going the extra mile, and another mile thereafter. Can I start over?

I am going to seriously make these changes, which will better my overall life. More so, those who are involved in my life. I am going to set some goals:
  • Be happier
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Be more optimistic
  • Stop judging
  • Be more productive
  • Run more
  • Get work done earlier
  • Excel better in school and work
  • Invest more
I feel if I can start with this small list I can work towards my big goals:
  • Buy a new car
  • Get better at guitar
  • Perfect my Spanish and learn another new language 
  • Improve my writing skills
  • Advance my knowledge in science(s)
Let's see how this goes...

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